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Frequently Asked Questions

Graduate brain with lots of questions

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What is the objective of Faith Squared Music?

Remember your favorite song from your teen or young adult years? Remember how it made you feel when you heard it? Or perhaps it was the song that you and your significant other considered to be “our song,” and that prompted those warm, fuzzy feelings of love and companionship every time you heard it. If you’re a person of faith, perhaps there is a song that, when you hear it, makes you feel closer to God and fills you with love and thankfulness. Music has the powerful ability to bypass the intellect and go straight into your soul!

Faith Squared Music is written with the intention of you as a listener learning the songs well enough to sing along, so that your brain hears your own voice repeat these messages. The lyrics are crafted for compassionate self-directed brain rewiring, delivered through music that we hope and pray just feels good. Let it renew and transform not only your mind… but your heart, body and soul.

If this site is about Faith Squared Music, why is there so much other stuff here?

The music you’ll find on this site was created specifically to support the healing journey of someone who is struggling with one or more of the issues each song addresses – to be the soundtrack, if you will, for your brain rewiring experience. That said, we understand that the concepts of neuroplasticity and brain rewiring are unfamiliar to many people. So we have included a lot of additional information on this Web site to help explain what it is, how it works, who it can benefit, how to get started, and what to expect. We’ve also included specific tools, such as affirmations, tips for stress reduction, tips for better sleep, and visualizations that we know from personal experience can help you on your healing journey. We hope and pray that you will love the music, want to learn the songs and sing them to yourself, and that they will be an important part of your healing. But we also know that it is just one tool in your toolkit, so we’ve tried to also point you toward some others.

What makes you a credible messenger? Are you a therapist or scientist? What qualifies you to speak with any authority about brain rewiring?

That’s an excellent question, and no, I’m not a therapist or scientist. But let me take this opportunity to share just a bit about my own journey. I know that I’m much more likely to listen to what people have to say if I know something about them… especially if that information proves they speak from experience.

However, I’m not going to go too far into detail about everything that was wrong with me before I discovered brain rewiring. For one thing, I don’t want my TMI to trigger anyone dealing with anything remotely similar. (If that is a danger for you, you can skip ahead.) And admittedly, it is no fun for me to retell it. I want to leave it all far behind, only looking at it briefly now and then as a reminder of how far I’ve come and how grateful I am for that. Focusing on anything in your life – good or bad, happy or sad – lends it a certain amount of power over you. Now that I’ve reclaimed my power, I’m going to keep it close!

And so… the summary of how I came to be limbic brain injured, and what that looked like, will consist of just a few paragraphs, though I could fill a book if I chose to. (Ummm… no thanks!) Here we go…

Over a period of about seven to eight months, I developed dozens of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that were debilitating and unexplained. The worst of them included extreme anxiety to the point of terror, and unrelenting insomnia. Everything became much worse in March of 2016, after prednisone was prescribed for some breathing issues. Though I’d taken it before without significant problems, I had a reaction to it this time that some might call psychotic. It certainly felt that way.

Because I had no idea what was happening to me or why, all of that turned into PTSD, multiple hypersensitivities, mast cell activation syndrome, chronic fatigue, and strangest of all… a seemingly irrational fear of falling sleep. I was somewhat non-functional for six months after the initial breakdown, though, thankfully, I was never bed-ridden. During that entire time, I didn’t yawn. I was never relaxed enough to do so. I stopped singing and laughing. I turned into someone I didn’t recognize. Also, during the worst of my suffering, despite not changing my eating habits at all, I lost 14 pounds in four weeks from intense fear-based diarrhea. It took over my life every evening as bedtime approached. Though I fought my way to a level of functionality, and hid my challenges well (I credit faith and prayer, affirmations, guardian angels, and inspired music.), I still thought about wanting to die every day for years.

Looking back, I can see it was a combination of things, a lifetime in the making: prolonged exposure to multiple toxins; several illnesses and surgeries; some traumatic life events and ongoing stress (along with some inherited trauma); all made worse by a number of serious mistakes made by mostly well-meaning doctors. Ultimately… all of THAT injured my nervous system and drove it into a state of hyper-vigilance that I didn’t understand and didn’t think I could fix.

Tranquilizers helped me to a point. I was also greatly aided by an excellent naturopath who provided diagnosis and treatment for the toxin-induced symptoms. I supported my own healing with amped-up prayers, alternative therapies, working to increase my faith, daily affirmations, creative writing, getting out in nature, service, finding a purposeful career, and the list goes on. It all totally helped! I got my life back… again, to a point. But something was still broken inside. I was fighting a losing battle. This became painfully obvious when the tranquillizers stopped working.

Now for the GOOD part: I got well!

The terms “brain rewiring” and “neuroplasticity” were completely unfamiliar to me until May of 2020. I was part of an online support group for people with EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) and read a comment by someone saying they had found success in overcoming EHS with something that had “reprogrammed their brain.” What? You can do that?! After just a few hours of reading the research and watching the compelling testimonials I knew this was my answer.

How did I know? The Holy Spirit bore witness to me in a big way. I’d been in that very, very dark place for a long time and had been praying hard for help and for answers. They came to me that day in undeniable wave after wave of love, joy, and reassurance. I’m not one to ignore such things!

I took action, ordered a brain-rewiring program, and got to work. It changed my life immediately. Though the progress was often slow… seeing evidence of real healing manifest itself right away reignited the light of hope that had almost gone out. With that hope, I walked straight out of the darkness and into the light.

Once I understood it, the science of neuroplasticity made complete and beautiful sense to me. In it, I saw the wisdom of a loving Creator who has provided us with amazing bodies AND brains capable of miraculous healing. And though the many detours and setbacks were discouraging, and prolonged the healing process, I’m eternally grateful for all of them. They forced me to do some intense research about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it relates to our brain health (just look at that page of resources!). I learned to to pray in new and deeper ways, to keep trying again and again no matter what, and to develop a powerful desire to help others find similar healing. I consider it all a marvelous gift!

I believe that the damage inflicted on our brains and nervous systems by trauma, stress, and toxins in our environment is quite likely the biggest threat facing humanity. Bold statement, I know. The more I understand it, the more I see it unfolding in the lives of people all around me. It may very well be at the root of a lot of crime, poverty, violence, addictions, and the rise in mental, emotional, and chronic illnesses. To not share what I’ve learned, to not use my talents and skills to help others… well, it just isn’t an option.

At my lowest point, I promised God that if He brought me through whatever the heck was happening to me, I would do whatever it took to prevent others from suffering as I had. Faith Squared Music (along with the wealth of information provided in this website) is helping me fulfill that promise. And it is just the beginning.